“WHAT DO YOU THINK?” (The Buzz Revisited)

Which shirt matches my eye color?

Does this dress make me look fat?

Do you think he loves me?

Are you sure?

These are some of the questions we often ask our friends, family, or just someone close to us.

We ask for their advice because we trust them and it makes our lives so much easier.

According to Emanuel Rosen, “human beings are always on the lookout for shortcuts, and this is the reason we seek information from others.”

If you know that your friend is a good cook and she knows how to cook spaghetti, you would just ask her about the recipe rather searching for it in the net. It’s less time-consuming and it is more reliable because it came from a person that you already know.

This is precisely why creating the right kind of buzz is needed.

With social media, people are too smart to listen to advertisements anymore. They are not the passive audience that keeps and keeps on just receiving the messages that companies give. They are now the audience that can block the messages that you are sending. They are now in control.

This is why companies just really have to accept the fact that people don’t trust them anymore.

People trust their PEERS, RELATIVES, FRIENDS, and the PEOPLE that are CLOSE TO THEM.

They value what they say that’s why most of the time people ask for approval from other people before they do something or buy something.

This is why REFERRALS are very important in creating buzz these days. They enhance your network and at the same time restore your reputation to other people.

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